The first place where the child starts learning is at home


The first place where the child starts learning is at home.

There have been enough studies done by many Psychologists that the child starts to recognize voice and emotions  (tonality), while being in the mother’s womb from the Third Trimester.

This recognizing and understanding keeps happening very profoundly through the early years. The child’s first purpose is to make the parents happy. This is learnt by the child through trial and error, and over time in the early years, the child also learns how to get what the child wants. The different ways to please the different parents is also understood and learnt.

Most of the initial learning is by recognizing the tonality and body language of the parents. The wat the Father treats the Mother. The way Mother behaves when there are guests are at home, the similarities and differentiated behavior subjected to the siblings. The gender biases, the relationships between the different members of the family and the affection and pushbacks the child receives from different members, become data that the child finds a pattern, and creates his / her own learning.

Languages and subject affinities are also first learnt at Home. The choice of words, the different languages and the encouragement the child receives are translated into verbal and non-verbal behaviour.

A Doctors child, tends to prefer choosing medicine as a career. A lawyer’s child a lawyer and an Engineer’s child an engineer. However, conscious parents provide wide exposure to the child so as to make the child aware of the different experiences, so that the child can decide upon the options and subsequent choices, of Passion, Profession, likings.

This also means, That home is also the birthplace of the child’s fears! The early ghost stories by grandparents and relatives, the exhibited fear exhibited by patents are all define sources of fears that get embedded in the child’s mind much early. These instructions, observed behaviour and the child’s experiences all come together to form an Etched story in the mind of the child by the age of 7 and gets firmed by 14 and sealed by 21. These etched narrations are called SCRIPTS in the language of Transactional Analysis.

All adults follow their SCRIPTS to their grave. Here it becomes important to know that, it is possible to rewrite owns own script, now in a way that the person wants. Anytime !

Therefore, what has the parent to do. Be conscious that all behaviour – verbal or non-verbal leaves its mark on the growing child. The child is born ready to understand and learn, and the first script is formed by the age 7.  It becomes important that schools and play schools are chosen where these aspects are looked into. Traditions and beliefs are all not true and correct. The parents could be trained in this aspect so as to train the child better.




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