Let us explore ....
While writing this article, I am thinking to whom I should address this? I am also thinking, are these all not known to us or we earnestly want to close our eyes? Certainly, this is not the question about any individual where one can have authority to act as per one’s wish.
But this is the question about entire nation. And this is a concern of real quality human wealth of India! India has given lots of super Human beings to this world and we read the biopic of many of them. What role school played to make them a super human being this is an eternal question. We belong to a race of highly born intelligent people.
This fact doesn’t need any evidence. But still we are not in super power. You leave this. Yes, we are at the top of among those countries where poverty is a major concern. We are again among those countries which are majorly suffering because of illiteracy and social exploitation.
Education has been a problem in our country and lack of it has been blamed for all sorts of evil for hundreds of years. In our extreme slavery days, our masters contemplated on us an educational system which only produced Babus and super Babus. By then many things have changed.
We have established IITs, IIMs, law schools and other institutions of excellence; students now routinely score 90% marks, even students with 90+ percentage find it difficult to get into the colleges of their choice; but we do more of the same old stuff. Rote learning still plagues our system, students study only to score marks in exams, and sometimes to crack exams like IIT JEE, AIIMS or CLAT. Earlier the youngsters prepared for civil services and bank officers exams, they now prepare to become engineers.
If there are a few centres of educational excellence, for each of those there are thousands of mediocre and terrible schools, colleges and now even universities that do not meet even minimum standards. If things have changed a little bit somewhere, elsewhere things have sunk into further inertia, corruption and lack of ambition. The mind-numbing competition and rote learning did not only crush the creativity and originality of millions of Indian students every year, it also drives brilliant students to commit suicide. This is nothing but only unrealistic, pointless, mindless rat race.
Education is always a means of climbing social and financial the ladder to reach the pinnacle. Our Harbingers have shown this dream to all our youth! While teaching in Primary classes we create thinking pattern in the mind of our children. We wish to promote an original thinking style for the best real creation and innovation. We wish to create a human being with all goodness and capabilities to face the real challenges of life. Are we really creating such human race? Education in India is a serious concern for all of us because of more intrinsic reasons.
There are systemic faults that do not let our demands for good education translate into a great marketplace with excellent education services. I will discuss the reasons in my next few articles. Till then it’s a matter of introspection for all Educationist. Let’s explore what should change in Indian education system? What need to be fixed at the earliest?
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